by Retoyman in "cool kids wear stripes", "drawing", "edie sedgwick", "fashion", "icon", "ink paper", "ink wash", "ink", "portrait", "retoyman", "stripe", "stripes"
Cool Kids Wear Stripes: Edie Sedgwick.
Collection of 13 icons curated from google search. 9x12 Ink on Bristol Paper. Original Photography by Andy Warhol/Paul Morissey. Date unknown.
by Retoyman in "New York Run Way", "dorothea Barth Jorgensen", "drawing", "fashion model", "fashion week", "fashion", "ink paper", "ink wash", "ink", "new york fashion week", "portrait", "retoyman"
Ink Wash Portrait of Dorothea Barth Jorgensen before a show 9x12 ink wash on Bristol Paper
by Retoyman in "Runway", "fashion model", "fashion", "ink on paper", "ink paper", "models", "retoyman", "runway models are beautiful but have you seen their feet", "text art", "text"
Runway Models Are Beautiful But . . . . Have You Seen Their Feet? 9x12 Ink on Bristol Paper
by Retoyman in "Kristina Romanova", "New York Runway", "Runway", "black and white", "drawing", "fashion model", "fashion week", "fashion", "fitting", "ink on paper", "ink paper", "ink wash", "model", "portrait", "retoyman"
Ink Wash Portrait of Kristina Romanova During Fittings 2010. 9x12 Ink wash on Bristol Paper.
After running from one show to another Kristina fits for her next show in 2010.
by Retoyman in "New York Runway", "Runway", "Vika Falileeva", "drawing", "fashion model", "fashion week", "ink paper", "ink wash", "ink", "model", "portrait", "retoyman"
Ink Wash Portrait of Vika Falileeva. 9x12 Ink Wash on Bristol Paper.
Vika is a beautiful woman. Her cheek bones will cut you with their sharp edges and you may loose yourself in her green eyes.
by Retoyman in "Anabela Belikova", "New York Runway", "drawing", "fashion week", "fashion", "ink paper", "ink wash", "ink", "model", "portrait"
Small Portrait of Anabela Belikova. 9x12 ink on Bristol Paper. What I like about Anabela's beauty is her steely stare.