August 19, 2013
by Retoyman in "artwork" , "drawing" , "illustration" , "ink" , "inkwash" , "leilani Lacson" , "portrait" , "published" , "retoyman" , "stndrd magazine" , "stndrd" , "vince vaughn"
Read up on classic quotes and my portrait of Vince Vaughn in the new issue of the Stndrd Magazine, online today and in hard copy in Sept.
(Illustrated Portrait by Retoyman and styled by Leilani Lacson).
July 1, 2013
by Retoyman in "cool kids wear stripes" , "drawing" , "fashion" , "icon" , "ink on paper" , "ink" , "inkwash" , "mens fashion" , "mick jagger" , "portrait" , "retoyman" , "rolling stones" , "stripe shirt" , "stripe" , "stripes"
Cool Kids Wear Stripes: Mick Jagger
Collection of 13 Icons Curated From Google Search. Unless Noted the Original Photographer and Date is Unknown. 9x12 Ink on Bristol Paper.
June 5, 2013
by Retoyman in "cool kids wear stripes" , "drawing" , "edie sedgwick" , "fashion" , "icon" , "ink paper" , "ink wash" , "ink" , "portrait" , "retoyman" , "stripe" , "stripes"
Cool Kids Wear Stripes: Edie Sedgwick.
Collection of 13 icons curated from google search. 9x12 Ink on Bristol Paper. Original Photography by Andy Warhol/Paul Morissey. Date unknown.
June 4, 2013
by Retoyman in "David Bowie" , "bowie" , "cool kids wear stripes" , "drawing" , "fashion" , "ink on paper" , "ink" , "inkwash" , "portrait" , "retoyman" , "stripe" , "stripes" , "ziggy stardust"
Cool Kids Wear Stripes: David Bowie as Ziggy Stardust
Collection of 13 icons curated from google search. Unless noted original photographer and date of image is unknown.
9x12 ink on Bristol Paper
June 3, 2013
by Retoyman in "cool kids wear stripes" , "drawing" , "fashion" , "icon" , "ink on paper" , "ink" , "inkwash" , "james dean" , "portrait" , "retoyman" , "stripe shirt" , "stripe"
Cool Kids Wear Stripes: James Dean
Collection of 13 icons curated from google search. Unless noted original photographer and date of image is unknown.
May 7, 2013
by Retoyman in "New York Run Way" , "dorothea Barth Jorgensen" , "drawing" , "fashion model" , "fashion week" , "fashion" , "ink paper" , "ink wash" , "ink" , "new york fashion week" , "portrait" , "retoyman"
Ink Wash Portrait of Dorothea Barth Jorgensen before a show 9x12 ink wash on Bristol Paper
How Could Two Messed up People Make Such A Beautiful Baby 9x12 Ink on Bristol Paper.
February 27, 2013
by Retoyman in "Theonne" , "drawing" , "fashion model" , "fashion" , "ink on paper" , "ink wash" , "ink" , "model" , "portrait" , "retoyman" , "ss13 Theonne" , "ss13"
Ink Wash Portrait of Maja Hansen Wearing Theonne SS13. 9x12 Ink Wash on Bristol Paper.
The second drawing of two of Maja Hansen.
February 27, 2013
by Retoyman in "Maja Hansen" , "Theonne" , "black and white" , "drawing" , "fashion" , "ink on paper" , "ink wash" , "ink" , "model" , "portrait" , "retoyman" , "ss13 Theonne" , "ss13"
Ink Wash Portrait of Maja Hansen During SS13 Theonne Campaign (9x12 Ink Wash on Bristol Paper) plus Study.
Maja is an amazing beauty and it was pleasure to work with her for Theonne Spring Collection.
January 31, 2013
by Retoyman in "Jac" , "Monika Jagaciak" , "New York Runway" , "Runway" , "drawing" , "fashion model" , "fashion week" , "fashion" , "ink on paper" , "ink wash" , "ink" , "new york fashion week" , "nyfw" , "portrait" , "retoyman"
Ink Wash Portrait of Monika Jagaciak During Fittings SS11
Oh My God I look Sooooo Pretty Today. 9x12 Ink on Bristol Paper.
Models say this often after they get done with hair and make up. It make me chuckle.
December 17, 2012
by Retoyman in "Jacquelyn Jablonski" , "New York Runway" , "drawing" , "fashion model" , "fashion week" , "fashion" , "ink on paper" , "ink wash" , "ink" , "model in profile" , "model" , "portrait" , "profile" , "retoyman"
Small Portrait of Jacquelyn Jablonski in Profile. 9x12 Ink Wash on Bristol Paper. Last week I posted an animated gif of the creation of this ink wash drawing. This is the completed piece.
December 14, 2012
by Retoyman in "A Christmas Story" , "Chris Burden" , "Christmas" , "Flick" , "Holiday" , "Los Angeles" , "Urban Light" , "ink on paper" , "ink" , "lacma" , "pop culture" , "retoyman" , "text artwork" , "text" , "tongue on Flag Pole"
For My X-Mas Card I Want To Reenact the Tongue on the Flag Pole Scene From A Christmas Story with 202 Kids Dressed Like Flick Putting Their Tongues On Chris Burden's Urban Light Lamposts. 9x12 Ink on Bristol Paper
Terrible Idea or Terribly Good Idea 9x12 ink on Bristol Paper
November 27, 2012
by Retoyman in "Frida Gustavsson" , "New York Runway" , "Runway" , "drawing" , "fashion model" , "fashion week" , "ink on paper" , "ink wash" , "ink" , "model" , "portrait" , "retoyman"
Small Portrait in Ink Wash of Frida Gustavsson 9x12 Ink on Bristol Paper.
Damn, Damn, Damn, Damn, Damn, Damn, Damn, Fuck. 7 Damns 9x12 ink on Bristol Paper.
Economy is Destiny 9x12 ink on Bristol Paper
The Problem With Kids Today Is That They Are Not Old. 9x12 Ink on Bristol Paper.
Try Not to Confuse Arrogance For Intelligence 9x12 Ink on Bristol Paper.
This sped out my mouth the other day when I talking to a graphic designer. It made me laugh as I was saying it, because I really believe some people can't tell the difference.
Caffeinated Drink A Bottle Of Vodka 9x12 ink on Bristol Paper.
I was making a note through the voice option on my phone and this what it wrote for me.