Stella Stella. 9x12 ink on Bristol paper. I always wanted to make a video with a Marlon Brando impersonator yelling Stella! In front of a Frank Stella.
George Harrison Roger McGuinn Paul Weller Mike Campbell Johnny Marr Peter Buck 12 String Electric Rickenbacker. Rickenbacker electric 12 string Players. 9x12 ink on Bristol Paper.
I never believed that Duckie’s Name was really Phil Dale. I realize I misspelled Zoot Suit, but I going to leave it anyway. I make this artwork on the fly and the mistakes make it more human and I think more humorous. I’m sure there are more mistakes in grammer in there as well.
I Love DC Characters But I Read Marvel For the Writing. 9x12 Ink on Bristol Paper.
Today this statement is a moot point because the writing for both brands as well as independents is tremendous. Years ago, before and during the late '80s comic revival, this was was true. Thank you Miller, Gaiman, Baron, Claremont, and Moore and many others for making comics amazing again- for writing that competes with the artwork.
Soon You Will Become The People You Laugh At. 9x12 ink on Bristol paper.
I remember my brother telling me this when I was just out of high school during one of many rants about some point of view of mine. My brother then said, "one day you will become one of the people you laugh at". This becomes truer the older I get.
The studio is funny space. It's safe, private, and has room to act out fantasies. Emotions run high and low. I often think about the scene in A League of Their Own in which Tom Hanks yells- "There's no CRYING in Baseball!". There is crying in fashion. 9x12 Ink on Bristol Paper.