April 15, 2013 Portrait Sketch of Iris Strubegger by Retoyman in "Iris Strubegger", "acrylic on paper", "bobbed hair", "fashion model", "fashion week", "fashion", "hair", "newyorkfashionweek", "nyfw", "painting", "pencil on paper", "portrait", "retoyman", "short hair" Portrait Sketch of Iris Strubegger 9x12 Pencil and Acrylic on 9x12 Bristol Paper.
March 12, 2013 by Retoyman in "black and white", "bob", "bobbed hair", "bobbed", "bw", "danielle cedillo", "fashion", "portrait" Archival Image. From 2012 a photograph of Danielle Cedillo after her hair was cut into a bob. She looked like a silent film star, so I wanted shoot a classic mirror shot.